Thursday, April 24, 2014

Why You're Feeling BIG After Eating Fruits

Whether you're transitioning to raw or simply looking to incorporate more raw fruits and vegetables into your diet, it's very important that you take this tip into consideration...

When I first transitioned to raw vegan, I ate fruits that were not ripe at times. I'll admit, I didn't like to eat bananas when they had too much cheetah spots. I thought the taste was terrible and I was very picky when it came to eating bananas.

unripe bananas

Do you dislike the taste of bananas? Do you feel bloated, inflamed, gassy, constipated, or a discomfort in your stomach? The answer is quite simple and EASY to avoid.

Read my post on RawVeganLiving on why you're feeling BIG after eating fruits.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2 Mistakes I Made When Transitioning To Raw

Although this lifestyle is awesome, there are a few things one must keep in mind when transitioning and succeeding long-term. There's one common misconception that everyone seems to get wrong. I know I sure did when I first began this lifestyle, but I quickly learned...

Miliany Bonet raw foods

Just because this lifestyle is guilt-free, it doesn't mean that you don't have to watch what you're eating. No, I'm not talking about calorie restricting (counting calories is not really necessary on this lifestyle).

When I transitioned to raw, I made a few mistakes. I learned through every mistake, which is very important. I'm glad these mistakes happened to me, as I can be an inspiration to help others along their journeys.

transitioning to raw mistakes

One of the many misconceptions that many people think (including me when I first started) was that, you can't gain weight eating plant-based. That;s not true. You CAN gain weight eating a raw vegan diet. It's possible, as it happened to me more than 5 times. BUT, don't let this discourage you from eating raw foods.

There are fruits, such as durian, dates, jackfruit, raisins, coconuts (and more) that will help with weight gain. Durian is an exotic fruit that's high in fat. Therefore, it's not a fruit that should be eaten in large quantities. Don't eat durian like if it was bananas, because you will notice weight gain.

Overindulging in nuts and seeds will also help in weight gain. The thing that lead me to weight gain was, I was overindulging in gourmet raw foods and high-fat fruits. For more info, read my story on how I gained weight here.

If you're looking to lose weight and achieve optimal health, don't overindulge in gourmet raw foods! A low-fat diet is very important.

Another factor that lead to my weight gain was, I stopped juicing for 3-4 months! Going months without juicing was a BIG mistake. I used to juice on a daily basis when I first started this lifestyle, but then I was eating a high-fat, raw vegan diet. During that period, I noticed a change in my body. I not only gained weight, but I woke up tired, my energy decreased and I stopped exercising.

Juicing on a daily basis is very key if you want optimal health, lose weight, feel alive, look younger, have glowing skin, and cure any disease. Read my post on the difference between juices and smoothies.

So, my advice to you when transitioning to raw, eat a low-fat diet and juice daily. For delicious, detoxing recipes, check out my recipes index on RawVeganLiving.

Hope this post was helpful. Don't make these mistakes that I did!

Love and Health to you,

Friday, April 11, 2014

6 "Healthy" Foods to Avoid When Transitioning To Raw

I remember when I first transitioned to raw, I ate foods that I wouldn't eat today. You see, a raw vegan diet is not just about eating fresh, raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds into your diet and boom, you're healthy. No, it's more than just what you eat. That's a different topic with a post included, but I want to talk about the top 7 "healthy" (I say "healthy" because these foods have been seen and given that title, when actuality, it's far from being healthy. Continue reading to find out) you should avoid when transitioning to raw.


1.) SOY
Soy is a health food that's commonly used often, especially in the vegan cuisine. Soy is found in most vegan veggie burgers, vegan cheese, cereal, bread, mylk, pizza, desserts, and more. 

Most foods contain some kind of soy. Soy comes in many different forms; powder, tempeh, tofu, beans, etc. I eliminated soy last year, and I'm so glad I did. I ate a lot of soy, almost everyday for weeks! I really thought soy was healthy (so healthy to be considered a superfood), since it was used for centuries. 

Believe it or not, soy is unhealthy. Soy contains a hormone called, estrogen. For those who aren't familiar with estrogen, here's the definition: "any group of steroid hormones that promote the development and maintenance of female characteristics of the body. Such hormones are also produced artificially for use in oral contraceptives or to treat menopausal and menstrual disorders."  

No wonder why they sell vegan soy-based whey protein or protein powders with soy, so it can make you big! So you think you're getting a good source of protein, when actually it's hormones! Estrogen (especially too much of it) breast cancer, infertility, gives men breast, causes high blood pressure, weight gain, depression, obesity, livers function improperly, pain in gallbladder, PMS, highers low cholesterol (causes bad cholesterol), and more. The chinese/Asians ate soy, but not as much as Americans do. No wonder why there's an epidemic of men getting breast, an increase in infertility rate, obesity, high blood pressure, constipation, and so more. 

Sure, there are a ton of resources that claim soy is healthy, but lets look at the facts, a.k.a 'pros and cons'. They only ate it in moderation. Even consuming it moderately is not healthy. Take a look at the history of soy. Read my post here on the dangers of soy. Plus, conventional soy is genetically modified with roundup. That's another good reason to eliminate soy from your diet. Here's a good post on how to eliminate soy from your diet and go soy-free.

2.) Agave Nectar 
Agave has been crowned as "healthy sweetener", but many of my readers and followers may already have read my post on the danger of agave. Agave is worse than high fructose corn syrup, due to it's high glycemic index. I would stay away from ALL agave foods. It's not a whole food sweetener, as it's highly processed. 

A natural and healthy alternative to agave is, whole and fresh pitted dates, date paste or raw, organic, non-GMO coconut nectar (if you're transitioning to raw).  

3.) Honey 

Thought your honey was healthy? Think again! Chances are, your honey is store-bought and non-organic. Even if it was organic, it could contain traces of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). good organic and non-GMO honey brands are Wedderspoon and Heavenly OrganicsStudies show that store-bought honey is not really honey

A healthy and nutritious alternative is raw, local honey. When buying raw honey, make sure it's raw, pure, organic and Non-GMO. Raw honey provides amazing health benefits, see for yourself. Post coming soon on the health benefits of raw honey. 

4.) Refined Sugar & Flour

I assume and hope that many of you are aware of the dangers of sugar and refined flour. Sugar causes all sorts of health problems, such as obesity, cravings, weight gain, depression, heart attacks, high blood pressure, headaches, stomach aches, premature aging, mood swings, pains in the body (all over), hypertension, autism, clogged thinking, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, disease, and more. There are millions of reasons not to eat sugar. Refined Flour is just as unhealthy and worse as sugar

A healthy alternative to processed, refined sugar is, coconut palm sugar. When buying coconut sugar, make sure it's raw, pure, organic and non-GMO.

5.) Wheat/Gluten/Grains

Many people think (I used to be one of those people who thought that, too) that grains are healthy. Most grains, like rye, wheat, millet and others-contain gluten. Most people are gluten-sensitive, which means their bodies cannot digest gluten grains. Grains are dangerous to your health. Grains are glue; if you were to take soaked rice and oats and slap it on the wall, it'll stick on the wall. Imagine how it is inside your body. Grains stick to your digestive tract and organs. Grains are completely unnecessary and NOT needed for optimal health. It causes bloating, inflammation and gives you gut! Read my post about it here

Buy organic, Non-GMO and gluten-free options. Conventional grains are genetically modified nowadays. You want a flat stomach, eliminate all grains/gluten/wheat. 

6.) Non-GMO and Non-Organic Produce
Non-organic produce is very hazardous for your health. You'll be surprised on how many toxic pesticide residue is leftover on conventional produce. Whats On My Food is a good website to see how many and which toxic pesticide residues are left on non-organic produce. 

Eating GMO foods is very hazardous to your health and the environment. Post coming soon on the dangers of eating non-GMO and non-organic produce. In the meantime, read about the dangers of eating genetically modified organisms and the effects it has on the environment. The best way to avoid organic and non-GMO foods is to buy certified organic and non-GMO project verified. 

If you eat these foods, I suggest eliminating them. Your body will feel much better when you do. Hope this post has helped you choose to eat healthier and have better health. Don't just avoid these foods when transitioning, avoid them long-term! 

Stay healthy, my friends!